Monday, September 17, 2012

So the ants won't get in

I currently have a  resistance to growing up,  I don't want my babies to grow up.  Because right now in my daughter's little world of sunshine & strawberry shortcake, her biggest fear is ants.  Ants that crawl around and may be pesky, but pose no threat to anyone's well being.

In fact, when she asked me the other night while getting ready for bed where daddy went I responded, "to clean up outside and lock the doors for the night".  

Her response...
"So the Ants won't get in?"  

Yes sweet baby girl, so the ants won't get in.  

Oh the innocence of a pure, untainted heart.

This heart that I want to protect and keep from any hurt, fear, heartache, loss, and sadness that may come her way.

But we all know that's unrealistic and one day we will sit together at the end of a long day and we will sort through all the emotions that this world has thrown her way.  Because one day we will face circumstances bigger than ants.  

One of my biggest prayers for myself as a mommy is to be one that teaches my babies to guard their hearts.  Because as Proverbs 4:23 tells us, "It is the wellspring of life."  We live, act, dream, and love from our hearts and when there are things lurking there that shouldn't be, we let them dictate our choices.  

Choices that we regret.  Choices that harm us.  Choices that shame us.  Choices that are ungodly.  Choices that stop us dead in our tracks because we don't even know how and when we made them. 

I know I can't prevent my children from making some bad choices, but one thing I can do is actively and daily encourage them to examine their hearts and sort through and even face the emotions that have set up camp there.

I really don't dread growing older, because as one of the best quotes I've heard states, "It is a privilege denied to many." But with growing older, I know not only will I continue to have to sort through the matters of my own heart, but teach my children how to do the same.

The only confidence I have in this is the fact that I serve a Savior that is the ultimate heart healer, redeemer, and comforter.  And that is the Truth I can offer my babies.  No matter what penetrates their hearts, may they always let the One who knew them before they were born heal, redeem. and comfort.

Someday I won't be able to lock the door and keep out the fear, hurt, sadness and loss, but I vow to be a mommy that sits with, cries with, prays with, and loves on my babies as they sort through whatever this life hands them.

But for now....

I will gladly lock the door for my baby so those pesky ants won't get in.