Sunday, May 20, 2012

Someday Baby...

Between lullabies and laundry, nursing and naptime, playdates and parties, the most important hours of my life exist.  Hours that come and go so quickly, I find myself begging the clock to tick just a little bit slower.

Because one day I know I will be longing for my babies to be babies again...

As time marches on and my girls grow older, my hopes and dreams for them are forming.  This new journey, "Someday Baby..." is a way for me to lay out these hopes and dreams.  I'm simply a momma striving to teach them what this life is all about, while living it and learning it myself.  With an incredible man to walk this journey with, I pray our love for each other, our Savior, and each of our girls is what always points them to the Truth and the Love that will never fail them.

Number 4 on my favorite childhood lullaby album, "Someday Baby" has become a staple in our bedtime routine.  Although I think she is slowly starting to realize this momma can't carry a tune, it still melts my heart when she request "the butterfly song".  When we get to the chorus, my sweet Kate closes her eyes and sings out, "Someday you will know, that you can be anything".  And that is what inspired this blog.  With their whole lives ahead of them,  I pray my girls grow up learning and believing they can truly do and be anything they set their hearts & minds on.

But for now, we'll cherish and hold on to this day.

Because Someday will be here in the blink of an eye.